In fact, bots are the best way to quickly ban them for doing so. Some bots exist to auto-moderate chat to catch racist, sexist, and other banned terms. They have the ability to time out a user (Kick them from your channel), enable slow-mode to throttle a very active chat, Swap to follow-only/sub-only chat, and even Ban a user indefinitely.Ī moderator is an individual that you trust to act in your stead to bring the hammer down on unwanted behavior on your channel.
Way # 3 – Add a Moderator on Twitch using the Roles Manager.The Drawback of Method 2 – Requires them to be active in chat.Way # 2 – Adding a moderator through the User Profile.The Drawback of Method 1 – Typos are possible.Way # 1 – How to Mod someone on Twitch using chat commands.